This Action and Prevention Plan is meant to provide an overview of Job Plus’s policies and procedures due to the pandemic. Our goal is to prevent and minimize hazards to human health as it relates to COVID-19 Pandemic. Managers, staff, and persons served are responsible for implementing this plan and continue to follow any updates to the MN Stay Safe guidelines. This document is prepared to describe implementation of precautionary and response measures to ensure the safety of Jobs Plus employees and persons served.
This plan will be a living document, to be updated as often as relevant information about the pandemic arises. This plan will adhere to Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines on COVID-19. This plan will be posted at each site and will be readily accessible to employees and persons served and a copy will be offered to each employee, person served, their legal representative and their case manager.
This plan attempts to capture specific actions, prevention plans, and procedures to address emergencies resulting from COVID-19. The provisions of this plan will be implemented on site and emergency action will be taken during any event that may threaten human health at Jobs Plus locations or any of the community group employment sites where Jobs Plus employees or persons served are employed.
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